SAVA Eye Exam: Does your new puppy come from eye tested parents?

Before you buy a puppy, it is important to check your breeder has had their male and female checked for any potential health issues. 

Included in the checks should be an eye examination.

SAVA Eye certification scheme. Certificate used to check for eye diseases in dogs to be breed.

The eye exam is carried out by a Veterinary Ophthamologist, who will examine the eyes to check for any hereditary diseases. 

Ideally, all dogs should be screened prior to breeding, however there are some breeds that have high instances of these hereditary diseases. 

Breeding from untested dogs can result in puppies that have eye issues, some of which can result in life long treatment or even blindness. 

Dr. Lo-An Odayar Veterinary Ophthalogist, eye vet with her equipment to carry out eye testsy

Dr. Lo-An Odayar is able to perform and provide a SAVA cerfiticate. She operates in Gauteng. 

To book an appointment, call (0646100401), email or click here to book online. 

Dr. Lo-An Odayar Eye Vet. Veterinary Ophthalomologist Centurion Contact Details

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